
Hello everyone! Welcome to my Telling stories with data portfolio!

About Me:

My name is Avni Shah.I use the pronouns She/her/hers. I am born and raised in Pune, India. I have completed my undergraduate degree in dental studies from India. I am currently pursuing my Masters in Healthcare Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University. A few quick facts about me!

Career Goals and Aspirations:

Most of my education and work experience has been focused on the healthcare sector. Its an area I am very passionate about. I have slowly pivoted from the clinical side of healthcare to the consulting, management, and research end of healthcare. As I look forward to graduating this May I hope to have the opportunity to utilize my present skillset in strategy, operations and market research and further develop my skills.

What I wish to learn from telling stories with data:

As I worked through the various courses of my graduate program I realized that while I have developed skills in gathering and cleaning relevant data, I am yet to understand how to ensure it has the most impact. Alot of the work I did through my internship was focused around presenting my research on various marketing strategies. It is critical to the success of projects to be able to present the data in a way that conveys the message I wish to put forth. I realized this is a skillset I wanted to develop further. I am hoping through this course I am able to make my messaging more impactful and convey the necessary details in a succinct manner. I hope to better understand the use of space and color to help me create the best narrative for my work.


This visualization was focused on using different types of visualizations to best illustrate the data comparing debt to GDP ratio. The visualization included comparing the ratio across countries and across different years. The graph types used were bar graph, grid column graph and grid line graph.

This visualization was focused on better understanding the process of data presentation and story-telling. It included critiquing, conducting feedback interviews, reiterating the visualizations and creating the final visualization. The data used for this visualization was on youth and adult literacy levels in different parts of the world.

This section was the first part of a three-part project. It included the initial steps of finding data sources, deciding the story and determining visualizations. This section included the outline, data sources, medium and sketches.

This section was the second part of a three-part project. The main focus of this section was to include more details on the sketches from part one and to conduct the user research interviews. This section concluded with a section on changes to be included in the final section of the project.

The section is the third part of a three-part project. It includes the project and audience scope, the changes incorporated from the second section and possible future works for this project.

This is the link to the final project created as a result of the three-part assignment. This was created using ShortHand, Canva, Flourish and Inforgram.